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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by ImGroggyCZ

  1. I solved it by downloading the files through the modification page. When I downloaded it directly through the link on this article it didn't work.
  2. Hello, I need some help, I moved the files to the mod folder, like in the tutorial. I select the server I want to play on and after loading I get this message. [System] The package "frosty_v9_7.scs" is invalid or corrupted! [Global] [16:41:51] Connection refused. You are using an invalid client. [Global] [16:41:51] You should redownload the mod through the launcher. What should I do? Thank you
  3. Hello, I reinstalled TruckersMP because I had some problems with it after 1.47 update. When I click Play, there is no server choosing. I can only select which profile I wanna play on and starts singleplayer. Ok I solved it by myself
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