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Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by lupesparza

  1. TruckersMP = Public Multiplayer for more than 1-2k people SCS Convoy = Private Map for max 128 people (if host can handle that number) So, no.
  2. I hope so, but you can only use it, for now, in single player mode.
  3. No. The number of players for ETS is still the same, for now. So don't expect big number changes for TruckersMP.
  4. Oh I need to wait for this monday Perfect, thank you everyone!
  5. "Finish 10 deliveries of special cargoes during the TruckersMP 10 celebrations in 2024!" What special cargoes? Can I use the TPM dispatcher for creating 10 delivieries in the city?
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