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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by fryt77

  1. Problem solved. I was so stupid and didn't noticed that i was playing on my brother's account which has another email that I was typing in game. Problem Solved!
  2. All solutions aren't working
  3. Help! My ETS2MP stopped working! When I yesterday launched my ETS2MP, everything worked fine, but I tried today and if I click ''PLAY'' it says: "invalid e-mail or password". I login with the same e-mail and password on the ETS2MP site and everything works fine. I googled for an answer, but nothing worked. Have you got any ideas how to fix it??? Yea, my face isn't beautiful, I know.
  4. Help! My ETS2MP stopped working! When I yesterday launched my ETS2MP, everything worked fine, but I tried today and if I click ''PLAY'' it says: "invalid e-mail or password". I login with the same e-mail and password on the ETS2MP site and everything works fine. I googled for an answer, but nothing worked. Have you got any ideas how to fix it??? Yea, my face isn't beautiful, I know.
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