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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by SchorschiBW

  1. can it be that the update in ATS has set the speed limiter for the external orders down? before I could drive 65 mph,mow i can only drive 55 mph...
  2. Thanks for the update, I uninstall it again, because the Schwarzmüller-DLC is not supported always. That's it with the MP for me. Can anyone delete my account here? Thank you
  3. thx for your response. It's the Schwarzmüller DLC, i think. So i play this game in single player and wait for an update...
  4. Good morning. If i want to play ETS 2 MP, i get this message from MP: You were kicked from the game.Reason: invalid accessory pack dedected. prohibited accessory in use. I have no mods installed and only these DLC:
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