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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by (QwQ)

  1. 那有什么办法可以将坐标转换为城市名称 请问? Is there any way to convert coordinates into city names?
  2. 我是希望在我的程序中使用api来获取玩家位置,以便能在社交平台上实时查询。 但是这个https://tracker.ets2map.com/v3/playersearch api并不能返回我需要的玩家位置 他只能返回一个x 与y 我更希望能返回地点的名称 以下来自百度翻译: The following is from Baidu translation: I want to use the API in my program to get the player's location, so that I can query in real time on the social platform. But this https://tracker.ets2map.com/v3/playersearch The API can't return the player location I need. It can only return an X and Y. I prefer to return the name of the location
  3. 我知道我不应该发在这里 但是我不能发到开发者门户 希望管理员能帮我挪过去:D I know I shouldn't send it here, but I can't send it to the developer portal. I hope the administrator can move it for me: D ====================================================================================== 我最近想在我的VTC的交流群里面做一个机器人,用来查询服务器信息以及我们VTC里面人的在线状态和位置。 例如 我上线的时候 在群里面能发一条:" xxx 上线了,位于法兰克福" 我现在使用的是https://api.truckyapp.com/docs/#api-TruckersMP-GetV2TruckersmpPlayerPlayeridPlayerid 但是因为一些问题 我的网络延时很高 导致查询时间很长 所以我在想 能不能使用 https://map.truckersmp.com/ 里面的API 例如 https://tracker.ets2map.com/v3/playersearch 等等 但是我并没有在API文档里面见到这个API 所以不知道我们能否使用他. ? 以下来自Baidu 翻译: The following is from Baidu translation: Recently, I want to be a robot in my VTC communication group to query the server information and the online status and location of people in our VTC. For example, when I go online, I can send a message in the group: "XXX is online, located in Frankfurt" What I'm using now is https://api.truckyapp.com/docs/#api-TruckersMP-GetV2TruckersmpPlayerPlayeridPlayerid However, due to some problems, my network delay is very high, resulting in a long query time So I was wondering if I could use it https://map.truckersmp.com/ API inside for example https://tracker.ets2map.com/v3/playersearch But I didn't see this API in the API document, so I don't know if we can use it ?
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