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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by ullsus

  1. And no speed limit on EU2 Server? :(
  2. Merry Truck Christmas for All! :) :)

  3. I <3 vodka: no smoke no fun! :D
  4. What is the EU 3 server? is that server without speed limit and with collision? new server,new patch for server? Thanks
  5. ullsus

    Excuse me

    Excuse me if i posting to bad forum. My problem is: 28.July.2014 i get Ban, its perm Ban,reason: ramming with friend since then a lot of time has passed,Therefore, I appeal to you and request that you unban me My Steam nick is : Ullsus_SK My Steam ID is: 76561198123574570 Thanks for reply
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