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Everything posted by Lucas._

  1. 管不了别人, 像 @Small Kai说的那样就行。
  2. Thanks for following and congratulations! 😇

  3. Happy birthday big nub! 🎂

    1. Juliia
    2. Ali.


      Smhhh, thank youu! :HaulieLove:

    3. Ali.


      @Juliia no u :mlg_doge:

  4. Congratulations Mr Biggest noob!!!

  5. Hello @^_^RaDuCu^_^, Thanks for posting a help section topic first. I would like to ask you for a video about your issue, which might help us to understand your problem and find a solution for it. Cheers, Lucas._ TruckersMP Support
  6. Hello there, This topic was not active for 3 days. Due to this reason, this topic will be moved to the inactive section. If you want to reopen this topic in order to get more replies or solutions, feel free to DM me or DM other supporters. Cheers. Kind regards, Lucas._ TruckersMP Support // Move to inactive
  7. Hello, Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support Kind regards, Lucas._ TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved
  8. Hello, Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support Kind regards, Lucas._ TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved
  9. Lucas._

    Broken W900

    Hello, Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics. If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support Kind regards, Lucas._ TruckersMP Support //Moved to Unsolved
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