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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by SxDarkness

  1. So, as long as you don't damage or harm another player, you can perform maneuvers that (according to the "simulation" server) should be prohibited or considered punishable with complete peace of mind. It has logic.
  2. A while ago, I wrote a topic about prohibition criteria. I received a response stating that in a simulation server, all traffic signals should be respected, such as yielding the right of way on a single-lane road (on the C-D route). A few days ago, I had the opportunity to witness improper overtaking and lane merging by two cars, without adhering to the rules that I was told should be followed regarding server simulation. I filed the corresponding reports against those users, and the response I received was, "I think this violation can only be kicked because I don't see in the evidence that the perpetrator endangered any players, as no player had to react, for example, by braking or swerving to avoid them, and they did not collide with anyone during their improper overtaking." What I want to express is that if these types of actions continue to be allowed, can everyone overtake on the right (improperly) without the risk of being banned? I believe that at the very least (in the case where there is no moderator to kick out this user), a 1 or 2-day ban should be issued. In the end, if you don't endanger another player, can you perform any of the actions that are "punishable" without fear of being banned? I believe it shouldn't be like that. Thank you very much for the opportunity. I am going to leave the links to the videos of the evidence I am mentioning attached below. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
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