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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by ero_x

  1. ero_x Released

    Thanks a lot, you guys rock!
  2. Sorry slow internet that's why I didn't seen your post at first ... thank you so much that helped.
  3. I clicked the Trucker MP icon, I said 'Launch ETS2' ... but still Steam asking me it.
  4. Hi all, I got a weird issue with steam: Always I want to run multiplayer in ETS2 or ATS (this error happens on both), is Steam asking me if I want to allow the start of multiplayer. If I click on 'OK', the game starts but only in Singleplayer. I already uninstalled and re-installed 2 times the multiplayer but it just continues with this strange error. I hope anyone can help me out on it. Regards Stefan, alias VolvoLover
  5. Nice, thank you now I can play in MP. I just needed to "say" windows I want to open up MP mod as administrator.
  6. Hmmm I thought I activated this .... strange ... ok I will look again there, thank you so far. Edit by my VolvoLover: Now It should be activated. I reinstalled - uninstall, install - the MP and still the log-in window doesn't appear. Only the startpad for SP.
  7. Hi there, finally I've got ATS, played 9 hours in SP and still cannot log into the multiplayer of ATS, because always if I open up the ATS-MP via the desktop icon, it only opens up the SP so offline. I activated ATS in World of Trucks, I got ATS out off beta in steam and the game version is 64-bit-version. Also I already reinstalled the MP many times but still it doesn't show up. I really hope you guys can help me out. Regards Volvo
  8. Okay, I seen your edit to late ... I'm sorry it works now at least it seems as it's working. Edit by me; Volvo: It works and once more I'm sorry I broke off here. Seems like it's not my day today.
  9. If I want to update ETS2-MP, he is asking me for ATS files ... I already tried to continue to click, the installer ignores it.
  10. Hi all, honestly the latest patch .... do like you guys creating an nice multiplayer and you do absoloutely amazing on it but ... im shocked! Just because of I cannot buy ATS at the moment while lack of money, I can't play ETS2-MP? Please give me an heads-up I'm wrong on it. If not, then I'm real pissed, because I want to play ETS2 in multiplayer but can't because I need to have ATS..... If there are ways to go over that part the installer asking for ATS-Path where the install files are of it ... I'm open for it ofcourse. Regards VolvoLover
  11. Can't play ETS2-MP grrrrr

  12. LOL sincce I enabled the console, went into game it's no more raining. Well thank you for your help
  13. Hi there, I updated my ETS2-MP to the version and I play on the US-Server. And sincerly I don't get the rain off, even if the option in-game is set to 0 to receive rain, It's constantly raining. So I ask what I can do on this point? Regards VolvoLovergame.crash.txtgame.log.txt
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