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Everything posted by dean_toseland24

  1. Hi i have previously been working on trying to edit a skin for ETS2 telemetry but i cant get my head around it so i have tried a different telemetry and that is sim hub im using a dashboard at the moment that i really like but i would just like to add a couple of thing 1, Fatigue time 2, Real time E.T.A, i believe both can be done as they are already one the other telemetry that i used but enjoy sim hub more so if possible could someone help me please i would be very gratefull for anyones help Thanks, Dean
  2. @WhiteTea Thanks for the information, without sounding picky there is a specific one i have called jobmonitor.
  3. @WhiteTea i am using the ETS2/ATS telemetry server 3.2.5 the one with the green icon if you know which one i mean
  4. @Beenz. Hello and thanks for your response, all i am looking to do is change the setting on it from kmh to mph but i cant find the coding that i am supposed to change. im not looking to do anything with it after that exept use is really, i like using that one specifically as it gives me all the details i need eg. real time i will get there, speed limit and stuff like that. ive got 0 experience with coding so havent got a clue how. i have tried to compare it to others but i am unable to see the differences if that makes sense.
  5. Hi this is my first time posting and was just wondering if anyone could possibly give me some advice on change the telemetry setting from kmh to mph, i have tried understanding the guide but i just cant get my head around it also it was programmed by somebody different as its from Viva trucking as far as im aware. The image is the one i am talking about thanks in advanced
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