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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by ColinMartin

  1. HI, Since 2-4 updates back I now suffer from huge autosave lagg and I have already wiped out 2 trucks with this freaking lag spike! is there fix for this issue?
  2. Owner of CMF Heavy Hauling Company! Based on eurotrucks2! Single player and online! We specialist for transporting wide and heavy loads all over the world! We are highly skilled drivers and mature and good team work! WE ARE looking for escorts and new drivers to expand our company ! If you are into this type of delivery's well this is for you! send me a message or add me on steam for small interview and a link for truckbook!  

  3. Hi, I have a ban appeal since 10am this morning and still no response! I have ban for 4 days for overtaking as I try to void head on crash with truck pulled out and I stop just before hit anotherr truck. and log in today I have ban for 4 days as of that? please admin check my case:) Thank you for ur time.
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