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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by DanDan1007

  1. Thank you for the help guys. Yes both comments have answered my question, you can do what you need to do.
  2. I was I was intentionally rammed by the same user twice in the span of about 5 mins. I have 2 videos showing each ram. My question is: Do I make 1 report and include both videos or make 2 reports, one for each ram?
  3. I mean not really but thanks for the response. Would be nice if the name was reset to the first name people used if that didn't break the rules and not to a user number but not much I can do about it. Have done and went through them again after the name change. I have used the name on every other platform I have and I don't think that it did break TMP rules specifically, but I'm not getting in to an argument/discussion with mods about it because it won't go well for me. The problem hasn't been solved but yeah I guess the question has been answered. Guess I'll leave TMP for 2 weeks until I can change my name. Feel free to do what you need to do.
  4. So apparently my username has been changed/reset (I'm guessing by and admin/mod although I have no idea and was never informed of this) and I am unable to change it again for 2 weeks. I was wondering if it is possible for it to be changed to the first name I used so I don't have to go around for the next 2 weeks being called User_518287. It would also be nice if this changed was made obvious to players. Any help is appreciated.
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