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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by LastDreaM

  1. 2 ***ing hours of my life wasted for nothing ! Trying to complete #onetruckfamilyevent and failed twice because of some idiots players! How is possibile that a car can hit a truck and let it fly ?!? This has jut no sense!I was almost arrived and 2 times got hit from trolls and failed!I wont play this game anymore!
  2. How i can change it again to another one name?
  3. Hi Why when i play and chat with some other players i can't visualize anymore my steam username? It keep switching to Yser_274545 or something like that Why?
  4. Hi all, I'm trying to install TruckersMP , but without any success. My launcher is stucked at file 46 of 72.I tried some solutions like run it as administrator or reinstalling the launcher but it doesn't work. Can someone help me ?
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