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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by Klaprefot

  1. Solved lads, thanks alot for the help!!!
  2. Hey guys, I am able to get jobs now, but only external contracts, which I really hate. How do I get my other "freith jobs" and "quick jobs" back
  3. Klaprefot

    No jobs

    So I just bought my new Volvo FH16, yes, I know you all might call it a noob truck, but im pretty new at the game. So I tried to look for "freight jobs", but didnt get any, ANYWHERE. So then I went to look for "external contracts", and I found myself one, I started doing it, but then I had to restart my game, now it says I have no job when I press F6, but when I try to start a new one, it says ive got a current job I need to finish How do I figure this out https://gyazo.com/24149da8fafddb61cb9cacd33e0dbdcb https://gyazo.com/5594c22266cc3629103f4e8976c664ad
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