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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by wowchris2002

  1. Yeah thanks everyone for your support, it really helped alot
  2. ok thanks, so this is preventing it from happening again or its gonna be recovered.
  3. so copy the whole ats folder and put it anywhere i want right
  4. just to be sure you are talking about just the plain profile file right, if so do i just copy the whole file
  5. is the file ima gonna copy called some like... profiles(1.29).1.23s.)bak or just say profiles
  6. so copy profiles then place them where ?
  7. oh man dang , well what if i back up game files ?
  8. i see something about like a profiles folder is that what you mean ?
  9. I was wondering does anyone know how to recover a deleted ats account in game , i wasnt looking and i deleted my player. Btw i play on steam so if anyoe can help that would be cool..
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