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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Unearthed

  1. Hello guys! I am having difficulty to understand how to participate in convoys regarding trailers. Very often there is no trailer for the exact route - town A to town B. But if I take a trailer for a completely different town which is in another direction at some point I will start to hear the music that tells me I am delaying my delivery. Can you give me some clarification and tips on how to deal with finding a appropriate trailer for a convoy? thanks!
  2. I would like to assign it somewhere on my steering wheel.
  3. Thanks a lot for the great amount of info!
  4. Hi guys! How can I find teams/companies to join and make convoys and group activities?
  5. Thanks guys will try it. Just another thing. When you press tab an UI shows up showing those near you. Are there other uses for it?
  6. Hello, guys! I have my mic connected but people cant hear me. Is there an additional thing I should tweak for my mic to work in-game?
  7. yes thank you guys! U rock ;p
  8. Hi guys! I am playing with my father and want to get identical jobs to drive together. How can this be done?
  9. I created a new profile exclusively for TruckersMP and did first job but I cant access the bank. Anyone knows why and what should I do to access it couse I want to buy a truck.
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