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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by dora_psycho

  1. Hello, I have a friend who can not download the mp launcher, the page keeps saying that she needs more than two hours of play and she has more than fifteen. she already tried putting the profile in public but nothing happens
  2. Hola, tengo una amiga que se compro el ets, lleva como 15 horas de juego y aun así la pagina no la deja bajar el launcher mp. Ya intento poniendo el perfil en publico, pero nada pasa... sabes como solucionar ese tipo de problemas?

    1. Gonzalox


      Hola, disculpa la tardía respuesta. ¿Tu amiga ya logró solucionar el problema? En caso de que no, envíame un mensaje privado y te ayudo a resolverlo.


  3. Hi, I have a problem with the launcher, everything is fine, I think, but there is a "file" called "COREETS2MP.DLL" that will not let me continue with the update. It is all updated, in the correct version, I really need help.
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