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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Rytuklis

  1. Solved the problem - launched as administrator.
  2. Hey guys, After installing the new client, whenever I launch ETS2MP, singleplayer launches. Any ideas? thanks.
  3. the obvious thing is - majority wants NO speedlimiter. So those 50 year old dudes crying about loss of it can either go back to Singleplayer or just stop bitchin' and deal with it.
  4. Exactly, nobody stops you from using the limiter. There will be trolls and rammers REGARDLESS of the limiter status.
  5. Well, the speed limiter is indeed disabled, my bad. However, I am all for it. I mean, speed limiter or not, there will be trolls, and adding the speed limiter will not increase their number. Not to mention that people will not dare to troll because a pernament ban awaits if they do and ETS2MP admins are very strict about unbans. I just played ETS2MP and it finally feels fun again, not being glued to 90km/h, not to mention that it was plain annoying that when your truck reaches 90 your engine would stop accelerating, giving less control over your truck. Those who do not like driving more than 90km/h - you can always enable the ETS2 native speed limiter, nobody is stopping you. I have done a few hauls just now and noticed no trolls or trouble causers, not to mention everyone drives in a reasonable speed The thing is however, that they might just patch it tommorow again. It might be April Fools, and just because it was posted one day ago doesnt mean anything. Remember that there are different timezones. Americans are still on 31st of March ATM.
  6. Lol. People actually believe speed limiter is disabled. Guys, take a look at your calendar
  7. Is this mod allowed? (Brutal Environment HD). It's a purely cosmetical mod and it makes no other changes apart from visual ones. Are these allowed, if not , why?
  8. Hello, I cannot connect to neither EU 1 or US1 for two days now. Whenever I do, it just says that it failed to connect and it will reconnect in ten seconds but never does. Happens in both EU and US servers.
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