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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Viterlo

  1. It works!!!!! I delete he file all config.cfg. and controls.sii. and the problem is fixed, thank you so much
  2. When I try to play ETS2 MP my mouse stops, and I can´t use it, I only can use my xbox controller. The server selection menu doesn´t appear anywhere. And when I´m in game, the graphics are bug. Here you have some pics: The problem is ETS2 Multiplayer, ATS Multiplayer and ETS2 single player works correctly Sorry for my bad English
  3. I need to know if I can use a script to go 200 kmph instead 150 kmph. The cars go to the same speed and sometimes is very boring to make long distances in the highway. I don´t know if this is allowed in MP. Thanks for your attention
  4. Thanks, to everyone, I have just changed and I make an appeal
  5. I get permanently banned for having a bad company tag and a admin told me that I have to change this tag to remove the ban. I only know to change it if with the online options, but now that I get banned, I can´t do it. Im new at the multiplayer and I don´t know how to change it.
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