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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by thewighttiger

  1. So, I have not been able to play truckersmp ATS for a few days. :(... I cant find the beta 1.28 and the 1.2 beta doesnt work. The only 1.28 I have is the oculus/vive version. Which beta do I choose for betas?
  2. Every time I attempt to launch my game ATS or ETS2 it says " Can Not Inject Core ( initialization of client failed) Can someone please help me figure out how to fix this so i can get on and truck? Thanks, thewighttiger The link to the other problems did not solve mine.
  3. It is now fixed, go to your properties and change it to 1_27. This should now work
  4. II figured out how to downgrade thanks guys! Keep on Trucking!
  5. I am too having the same problem, I can't do anything to log in, but when you say downgrade to 1_27 the problem is that it doesn't change.... I don't think thats right, should I downgrade to 1_26?
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