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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by StefKRah

  1. What's the Politeness Peak ?: To Knock when you walk out the door.

  2. Greed Peak : Get punched and never have enough ...

  3. What's the Politeness Peak ?: To Knock when you walk out the door.

  4. CPU: Intel pentium dual core 1.6 ghz RAM: 2GB RAM ddr2 Hard Drive # 1:190 gb Motherboard: ashrock conroe then some numbers , it's a shitty one anyway OS: Windows 7 Ultimate GPU: Ati Radeon 4500 series 256 mb 64 bit Monitor #1: Dell 1707FPT Sound: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) HeadSet : somic a cheap one Keyboard: Dragonwar Silvio semi-mechanic Mouse: SteelSeries Kana v2 CSGO edition Case: no idea Internet Speed Connection: 100 mps RDS SteeringWheel: Ferrari GT Experience Thrustmaster
  5. A mother sends an email to his son : Dear Tony, Here we all miss you. Plese get of the computer and come down stairs in kitchen to eat . -Mom

  6. If I'll come down to your mind , I might find oil. (thing to say to those that have no idea what priority means)

  7. Look at that A$$ , quickly , turn the hazard warning lights ON ! we gotta let the others enjoy !

  8. Girl would you give me a bandage ? coz i scrached my knee falling for you

  9. Isn't Documents>Euro Truck Simulator 2>Mod where he has to put the file ? that's how i got all mod's working . @fyzz08 it's just a mod that changes how you see the game , it works for single player and for multiplayer , the game is still the same and people without the mod can play with you too . At least that's how i know it is ... pretty sure the mod was avabile even before mp was on. Turns out that If i didn't checked to download the mod when i installed mp didn't created a "mods" folder for me in ets2mp in program files, i tested the normal way and it didn't worked, i'll try the ets2mp way hope it works it's actually mods not mod , only in documents ets2 it's mod instead of mods wow, that fooled me. The winter_mod.scs has 175-176 mb if it stops at one point it's ok to cancel and download it again for me it stopped once at 111 mb then it worked all the way. it works ! ty for fast download Lilloote. sorry if what i posted confused anyone i just wanted to test this i was just curious.
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