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$5 Bag of Lettuce

Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by $5 Bag of Lettuce

  1. UPDATE: New vehicle list: Police Nationale Skoda Superb VSAV Renault Master L2H2 (Pretty much red-and-white rapid-response French ambulances) Google Street View Skoda Superb I'm guessing the Street View and VSAV L2H2 are vehicles I'm allowed to drive, seeing they're not police vehicles. But the VSAV L2H2 has blue beacons, is that bad?
  2. I don't know if I put this in the right category, but I likely did. I haven't went on Truckers MP for one reason; I don't have any actual trucks. Here are my "trucks": Skoda Superb (Steam Workshop), black, police blue singular light Renault Master (Modded), Police Nationale skin (Steam Workshop), 2 blue small lights (blue color modded), multiple Renault Master customizations Hey, I like the police vehicles, ok? Not only that, but apparently, using vehicles that look like police vehicles isn't allowed unless you're a moderator or something. So, my best guess is that this question's a waste of time, and I need to save up for an actual, legitimate truck, right?
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