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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Triivium

  1. Thanks a lot guys! Awesome info here, will take a look at those website and set the company up!
  2. Hey there! I'm playing with a friend now and we want to create a company to play with together, but I cannot find a piece of info we really wanted to know: the money you get for each job, does it go to your company like the single player version? And can all of your truckers use that money or even split it between all truckers? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks guys, I bought it and I'm gonna test it out later on. Thanks for the replies!
  4. Thanks for the reply! I'm glad to hear that! And I was also wondering if it's worth to buy it...seems a bit expensive and I wanted to make sure before investing on it. Any thoughts on that?
  5. Hello everyone. I'm new to ETS2 MP, and I'm thinking about buying this DLC, but first I want to know if it works for MP, and if so, how well does it work? Any major issues? Been trying to get this info but couldn't find anything. Any help? Thanks!
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