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- Reece -

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by - Reece -

  1. Great news, is this something that could be looked into for ATS also? seems odd that you are restricted to two states! Reece.
  2. ^ Many thanks for the extremely fast response! i shall wait patiently for any further news
  3. Hi, Is there any further news on the AI coming to MP? Seen the videos, really looking forward to this feature. Reece.
  4. Hi, The winter mod is not currently supported on ATS MP as there is not release on ATS Single Player. until then it's blue sky's and warm weather Regards, Reece.
  5. Unfortunately, we will have to wait for the patch until this "CB Radio" error is fixed. I don't think it should have even loaded multiplayer as the game was updated.... bit of an odd one if you ask me!
  6. Thanks for the update! Happy Trucking Reece.
  7. Sorry for double, but now triple post using a phone.
  8. Thanks for the quick update. Much appreciated Keep up the outstanding work, you developers put in to ETS2MP! I hope to have many more enjoyable hours/miles playing this "Mod" but in my eyes I see it as a add-on. "Mod" just doesn't justify the hard work your team put in. Happy Trucking! Regards, Reece.
  9. - Reece -

    0.1.3 Alpha

    Thanks for the heads up! just seen the other post about the update. Regards, Reece.
  10. - Reece -

    0.1.3 Alpha

    It's not connecting for me, I have the to date version, it's not telling me to check the forum to update.. like it would do if my version was out of date. Is this happening for everyone else? Regards, Reece.
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