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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Ulrichou86

  1. Hey, From now 2 or 3 update of this mod, since the update with the launcher, I can't play the multiplayer. Basically when I launch the game the intro doesn't show, I have only a black empty screen, but I can hear the sound. OR sometimes I have a weird glitchy intro like this : When I finally acces to menu, the background is still black, and I can't move my mouse around and can't use the arrow. I'm using the Gold edition of ETS, my PC is under windows 7, and my controller is a G25. Any ideas ? This is REALLY annoying
  2. Hello, So when I try to launch the game, the generic is black, and when i'm in the menu, i can't move my mouse or interact with it. And behind it everything is black. I also can't use the keys. But the solo work fine. Any ideas ?
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