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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by MrMilan_

  1. I found the fix! go to C:\ProgramDataT\TruckersMP and delete the Core .dll file(s) Then run TruckersMP and it will redownload and you can play again!
  2. Hi, When I try to start the truckersmp launcher it gives me this error: An error occured while contacting our update servers (System.UnautorisedAccessException: Acces to path C:\Programdata\TruckersMP Denied. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternaLDelete(string path, Boolean checkHost) at LauncherV2.MdUtils.FileNotMatched(Stringfile, String fileMd5) at LauncherV2.MainWindow>CheckForUpdates0). Press OK to try again or cancel to visit our download page. I have reinstalled ETS2MP and restarted my PC with no result. What to do? MrMilan_ OT: __________________ Fixed the problem!!! I deleted the Core.... .DLL file and ran Truckersmp Which caused the program to redownload! Go to: C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP and delete the core .dll file in the main folder! That fixes it!
  3. Hi, My ban ended almost 1 hour ago but Whenever I try to log in the game says "You are banned"! .... plus 1 month .... etc Why can't I log on? Regards, MrMilan_ https://truckersmp.com/user/1133940 (ban ended 14:18, it's now 15:14 dutch time GMT+1)
  4. Hi, My ban should've ended. I should have been unbanned by now (17:24) but when I acces my "profile" tab it says "BANNED" I am still banned (17:44) and I want to play again MrMilan_ https://truckersmp.com/user/1133940
  5. For all dutch/german/polish etc. drivers: The server will only open at 1800 CET (+1). here, British time is used. -------OT--------- I love it. My first convoy ill be on at 1815. (1715 +0)
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