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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by LukaszKiler

  1. As you can see I've redownloaded it about three[the name of the file is client_21025 (3)] times and it isn't working at all. I've downoloaded 7zip as well but it's sending me the same error. May can I download file unzip yet from somewhere?
  2. Hi everyone, I have problem with new version of euro truck simulator multiplayer. The problem means that the zip file can't extract. I dont know what to do. I just uninstalled latest file and try to get this but i can't becouse of winrar. Can someone explain what can I do? Or sent somewhere version unpacked yet? This is communique from winrar: " C:\Users\me\Desktop\client_21025 (3).zip: Nieoczekiwany koniec archiwum " In English it means "Unexpected end of archive" Thanks in advence for the answears.
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