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streaming mode

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Suggestion Name: Streaming mode for TMP

Suggestion Description: Giving streamers the opportunity to have a "streaming mode" while playing on TMP. This means for example that when you are logging in the mail addess is hidden (like the * in the password box), so your mail address isn't shown on stream anymore. It could be added in the TMP launcher like a little check box to mark / unmark. So you can choose before you click on "start ETS / ATS" if you want to launch in streaming mode or not.

Any example images: /

Why should it be added?: In my case I always have to hide my "game source" when I need to restart TMP so my viewers don't know my mail address which is part of data protection. As far as I enter the profile section I can make the game source visible again but it is a little bit annoying to always alt tab and edit my OBS settings. I believe that this option could help many ETS / ATS streamers that are playing MP.

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