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Suggestion Name: AFK System and AFK parking rule

Suggestion Description:

I have thought of an AFK system for servers that can be very efficient and in turn optimize the server. What is written here is a vision of what I mean, is it a approved, the developer will consider what factors to apply in this suggestion. My idea is the following:

I have thought about the existence a command or using the game pause to get into AFK mode, along with an AFK parking rule in which you can report.

The idea of this is that when parking, you can enter a command "/ afk" or use the pause provided by the game to enter AFK mode.

I will explain it in the following way, since it is a bit complex to understand my idea:

Out of AFK mode:

> Kick spent 10 minutes of not moving (like the current system).

Within AFK mode:

> In our nickname, a label will appear that says "(AFK)" or, failing that, the entire label changes color (I find this option more useful for administrators to identify)
> Good parking in allowed places (here comes the AFK parking rule)
> The truck block and cannot move.
> If there are more than 50 or 100 players within the 250m (or 500m) radius, this server kick you.
> If the server has a waiting list, ignore all the requirements and kick you immediately.
> I don't know if this is possible, but I still sugest him: When entering AFK state, cancel all truck modifications, and have a default truck and trailer configuration (to optimize the area).

Why should it be added?:

It seems to me an interesting and necessary interesting system, which can solve the problem of the players that when receiving the warning that in a minute the server will kick it, they write something to the chat so that the counter is reset and thus remain infinitely. As explained above, it would be a very good way to optimize the server, preventing players from staying in AFK mode for 10 minutes (or infinitely) in places with too much traffic overloading the area and lowering the FPS. Also to give realism to the simulation of others, such as going on the highway and seeing trucks parked in the rest area for example, and so the environment is not so "empty".

Any example images:https://imgur.com/Y2rJgN1


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RR 6599

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