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Allowing Truck/trailer Skins

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This is probably been suggested before, but I thought I would give it a try.



Description :

Truckers could use custom skin mods for their trucks and owned trailers allowing for greater immersion. HOWEVER it would only appear to those with the mod installed otherwise it would result to a default color like it does for DLC when people do not have it. This would only work for skins as it is easy to replace with a default color versus a mod. Another method is create a submission process for skins to be added into the game so others can see them limiting submission to trucking companies that are on the forums would help keep submissions to a minimum as well as the type of content allowed via mods. 


Why should this be Added: 

it would allow players greater immersion into the game when running with friends and in convoys or being apart of a virtual trucking company(VTC). Making the Skin mods act like DLC benefits those to promote them selves over Streams or photos. Allowing VTCs to submit skins to moderators for approval will give immersion to other players seeing convoys from VTCs going down the road or simply passing by while driving. Better Immersion may bring more players to multiplayer. More players means more trucks on the road. More trucks on the road means more fun and less boredom. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hello @sounthernrebel78


Thank you a lot for your suggestion! You are awesome to help our community grow! <3


Though, this suggestion is made very frequent. Before posting a suggestion we always recommend to use the search option to avoid it already being suggested before. :)  You can find more info on how to use the search tool here https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/51411-forum-how-to-use-the-forum-search-function/ As mentioned in this post https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/82056-frequently-suggested-things/&tab=comments#comment-815597 the topics mentioned here are a list of planned or rejected suggestions. This includes your speed limit suggestion. That is why I will close this suggestion as it is on the list. ;)


Your suggestion:


Add company skins:
If we were to add every VTC's skin, the download would be quite big, it would also have to be maintained over a long period of time and would add complexities to the testing process.


Thank you again for your suggestion though!


If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact me


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