Depuis Lundi dernier, je suis banni d'ETS2MP pour avoir mis en tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY" sans avoir été averti avec un kick ou autre. J'ai fais une demande de déban le même jour qui à été accepté le lendemain, sauf qu'on m'a banni 3 mois suite à mon historique alors que c'est mon quatrième ban qui doit compter sachant que mes anciens ban ont plus d'un an (voir la photo). Le problème qui se passe, c'est que l'admin en question (Zelcrum) ne me répond pas à ma demande de déban (celui du ban 3 mois).
J'aimerais savoir ce qu'il faut faire, de plus je suis actuellement en vacances, merci.
I was banished the last time to have put in tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY". Yet, no rule says that this tag is forbidden.
"Username/tag - Kick/Ban *
Having inappropriate usernames/tags including those with insults, any with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations, te that you are has" "Forum Mod, TS3 Admin" yet similar.
My tag does not contain anything in touch with the politics(policy), police or other one.
My last proclamation goes back up maintaining almost one year, since the time, I changed. Furthermore, the rule says that we can me kick to warn me, that was not the case, I was banished directly. I hope to be able to be débanni, furthermore, in France it is summer holidays.
Good evening,
Since last Monday, I ' m banned from ETS2MP for having set tag " TRAFFIC_SECURITY " without being warned with has kick yet(now) otherwise. I am applying for Unban the same day has been accepted the next day, except that I was banned three months following my history then this is my fourth proclamation(round of applause) should knowing that my old count proclamation(round of applause) follow one year (see photo). The problem happens is that the admin in question ( Zelcrum) does not respond to my request Unban (the proclamation(round of applause) of months 3).
I would like to know what to do, furthermore I am at present on holidays, thank you.
I was banished the last time to have put in tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY". Yet, no rule says that this tag is forbidden.
"Username/tag - Kick/Ban *
Having inappropriate usernames/tags including those with insults, any with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations, te that you are has" "Forum Mod, TS3 Admin" yet similar.
My tag does not contain anything in touch with the politics(policy), police or other one.
My last proclamation goes back up maintaining almost one year, since the time, I changed. Furthermore, the rule says that we can me kick to warn me, that was not the case, I was banished directly. I hope to be able to be débanni, furthermore, in France it is summer holidays.
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Depuis Lundi dernier, je suis banni d'ETS2MP pour avoir mis en tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY" sans avoir été averti avec un kick ou autre. J'ai fais une demande de déban le même jour qui à été accepté le lendemain, sauf qu'on m'a banni 3 mois suite à mon historique alors que c'est mon quatrième ban qui doit compter sachant que mes anciens ban ont plus d'un an (voir la photo). Le problème qui se passe, c'est que l'admin en question (Zelcrum) ne me répond pas à ma demande de déban (celui du ban 3 mois).
J'aimerais savoir ce qu'il faut faire, de plus je suis actuellement en vacances, merci.
I was banished the last time to have put in tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY". Yet, no rule says that this tag is forbidden.
"Username/tag - Kick/Ban *
Having inappropriate usernames/tags including those with insults, any with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations, te that you are has" "Forum Mod, TS3 Admin" yet similar.
My tag does not contain anything in touch with the politics(policy), police or other one.
My last proclamation goes back up maintaining almost one year, since the time, I changed. Furthermore, the rule says that we can me kick to warn me, that was not the case, I was banished directly. I hope to be able to be débanni, furthermore, in France it is summer holidays.
Good evening,
Since last Monday, I ' m banned from ETS2MP for having set tag " TRAFFIC_SECURITY " without being warned with has kick yet(now) otherwise. I am applying for Unban the same day has been accepted the next day, except that I was banned three months following my history then this is my fourth proclamation(round of applause) should knowing that my old count proclamation(round of applause) follow one year (see photo). The problem happens is that the admin in question ( Zelcrum) does not respond to my request Unban (the proclamation(round of applause) of months 3).
I would like to know what to do, furthermore I am at present on holidays, thank you.
I was banished the last time to have put in tag "TRAFFIC_SECURITY". Yet, no rule says that this tag is forbidden.
"Username/tag - Kick/Ban *
Having inappropriate usernames/tags including those with insults, any with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations, te that you are has" "Forum Mod, TS3 Admin" yet similar.
My tag does not contain anything in touch with the politics(policy), police or other one.
My last proclamation goes back up maintaining almost one year, since the time, I changed. Furthermore, the rule says that we can me kick to warn me, that was not the case, I was banished directly. I hope to be able to be débanni, furthermore, in France it is summer holidays.
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