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Found 5 results

  1. I'm new to the TruckersMP. I just wanna know about jobs. I wanna complete them without changing my truck. that means complete deliveries using own equipments. but when I search for jobs in job market, It shows none. sometimes. and sometimes, they're always full. please guide me through this. And I also wanna level up real quick because I'm an old ETS2 player (crack sadly) and this low XP equipments seems a burden to me
  2. سلام برای تغییرات توی پول بازی یا لول ( همون اکس پی ) یا میزان ساعت بازی شده ، کیلومتر بازی شده و... میتونید از فیلم زیر استفاده کنید https://www.aparat.com/v/L7b1e
  3. Whats a good XP gaining mod to get for Truckers MP?
  4. Game: ETS2 Mod Version: Latest Patch version, ETS2 version 1.31.1s Controllers Used: N/A Description of Issue: Late and Damage Penalty ??? How to reproduce: I did a job and was perfect on time without any damage or what ever. but still I get a Time Penalty of 141588 h 13 min and a Damage Penalty of 6.2% what is total Inposible for a driving distance of 533 km. I didnt log of of paused the game. it was a singel drive from A to B. so no money and no XP earned in this trip. Please fix this. Screenshots / Videos:
  5. Hallo liebe Leute, seit dem letzten Update (1.14s) funktioniert der Multiplayer bei mir nicht mehr. Das könnte daran liegen, dass der Multiplayer Client eine 64bit Version ist. Es wäre wünschens Wert, dass die Entwickler die aktuelle Version auch als eine 32bit Version zusätzlich heraus bringen. Ich bekomme immer wieder die Meldung: "....\Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer\launcher.exe - ist keine zulässige Win32 Anwendung." Bitte um schnelle Hilfe! -Schnitzel86-
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