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Found 4 results

  1. Dear Devs, Admins, Moderator, Supporter,... I have rummage in your Webside. I have seen an "mistake". The server "Europe 2" has an speedlimiter. the speedlimiter is 150 Km/h. Suggestion Name: Wrong Status informations Suggestion Description: Wrong speedlimiter in "Europe 2" Why should it be added?: Because it is true (sorry, but it is) Any example images: You can see it here: https://truckersmp.com/status
  2. Guest

    Wrong Status link (Launcher)

    Simple thing, the status link on the launcher. ( directs to the wrong website. http://truckersmpstatus.com/ Which doesn't work, though if you get rid of the http:// part, it displays an Apache Ubuntu setup page. Actual Link: https://truckersmp.com/status Mod Version: Controllers Used: Keyboard/Mouse Description of Issue: Wrong link when 'Service Status' is clicked. How to reproduce: Click 'Service Status' on launcher. Screenshots / Videos: N/A Didn't fit into the other categories, so hope here is fine.
  3. Hi, I have recently been playing today on the multiplayer. However I just got back on and my computer is saying Unsupported game version detected! Expected: ver. [rev.22037b5d1001] You have: ver. Do you need help with changing the game version?
  4. adam24


    Hey, I got a one day ban from TruckersMP, but in the game, it says the ban should be gone 28.03.2017 18:00 and on my truckersMP site it says there are no bans that I can appeal to and never has. So the ban should have been gone by now and I can't appeal to it. Then something must have gone wrong when I was banned might have something to do with the game getting updated while I was banned. That's my though at least, please help. Thanks
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