Suggestion Name: VTC Leaving Notification for VTC Management Staff
Suggestion Description: When a player is leaving the VTC Company he is in there should be pop up field that ask's them why they wish to leave the VTC.
Any example images: [N/A]
Why should it be added?: Would make it easier for VTC's to know why a Member is leaving the VTC. So for my instinct it would save a lot of time because if a user is leaving our VTC Company we would have to open a ticket with the user in question within our discord server to ask them why they decided to leave our TruckersMP VTC without notifying us. This feature could be an additional settings of the Company administration page which allows the VTC Administrator's to enable it or not have it enabled, also should have a setting to make it so its required for a leaving member of a VTC is required to fill it out before finally leaving the VTC.