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  1. Guest

    Fatal Error

    [TR]: Multiplayer Oynarken Ana Menüye Dönmek İstediğimde,Sürekli Karşılaştığım bu hata'dan dolayı artık oynayamayacak hale geldim.Özet Geçmek Gerekirse Multiplayer Oynarken Ana Menüye Dönmeye Çalıştığım Zaman Bu Sorunla Karşılaşıyorum Ve Karşılaştığımdada Alt+Tab Falanda Atamıyorum, Ekranım Donuyor Bu Nedenle Bilgisayarımı Kapatmam Gerekiyor. Sizlerden Bu Konu Hakkında Yardımcı Olmanızı Umuyorum... [EN]: When I want to go back to the main menu while playing Multiplayer, I have become unable to play anymore due to this error I constantly encounter. Therefore, I have to Shut Down My Computer. Waiting For YourHelp...
  2. Hello, I'm trying to play ETS2. It doesn't matter if the game in non mp launched or with mp. It just crashes when I reach the profile selection stage. Ima give you the logs guys if this helps and someone can read something out of them. Please help tried everything, reinstalling, launching with administrator permission, I have no mods. Just a clear ETS2 game without any mods. Also when I launch the game with the "-homedir (........)" command in properties of the TruckersMP it creates a new profile. I can't upload my profile to the game and when I try switching profiles (Profile selection stage as I told you before). It crashes. I don't know why this happens always there, when I try to select profile... Please help me! crash.log last_crash.log
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