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Found 3 results

  1. Suggestion Name: The ability to mute specific users in chat or to mute the chat entirely Suggestion Description: Next to the the speaker icon (which obviously mutes voice communications) we should also have a 'T' or something so that we can mute the text coming from this user too, also somewhere in the options we should have an option for 'Mute all Chat'. Any example images: Why should it be added?: This should be added because we have a right to not want to see what someone else has to say, if someone is harassing you in game via chat then you can report them of course but in the mean time you are still stuck seeing their messages fill up the bottom left of your screen.
  2. Levi1501

    F9 Bug

    Whenever I click 'Y' then 'F9' to use text chat, after I have closed the text chat, the normal game funcitons i.e. pressing 1,2,3,4 etc to change the view do not work, neither does 'C' for cruise control or the lights or any function. Please help. Thanks
  3. Hi sorry i am fairly new to using MP in ETS 2 but can not seam to find anywhere that tells you how to bring up the Text Chat in game can someone please kindly tell me how to get the text chat up in game? Thanks in advance Del
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