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  1. SORTING OF TRAFFIC Suggestion Description: Calais is the city with the highest number of players. The city is known for long traffic queues and where many players get their first ban. When you are on your way to Calais, you always drive past this exit (IMAGE A1 RED CIRCLE) A1 There is always a long queue of many players going down to the city. The road marked in red also has long queues due players getting out of (mechanic, garage, etc) After the bus update, the players have been divided into two groups. Trucks and buses. The problem with this is that everyone is going down the same exit + everyone is going through the same street. My suggestion intends to create less queues in calais How are we going to do this? If you take a look at picture (IMAGE A2), you can see how I think. The blue line shows where most people drive today The green line shows where almost no one is driving If we close the possibility for buses to drive down this exit The blue line, But let them drive down the next exit at the harbor The green line. Will we eliminate the possibility of creating a queue a little her The blue line. This system can be compared to a sorting station, this will make it easier to get into Calais, And it will be easier for bus traffic to arrive at their Bus station. A2 Any example images/video: BUS TRAFFIC TO CALAIS SHOWS "BUS TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" SIGN Why should it be added?: To create safer and less traffic Calais. Not least make it easier for buses to drive into the Calais. From Kzumastormz
  2. Suggestion Name: Adding Smart signs on highways and bridges on ATS truckers MP Suggestion Description: smart signs or Active traffic management signs which give roadway information Any example images: Why should it be added?: signs like these shown above should be installed on roadways like I-15 and heavily traveled corridors on ATSMP to better inform drivers of roadway conditions ahead, events like convoys that are on the highway or to display rules to remind and inform of the truckers mp rules... What you think?
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