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  1. My suggestion is that to complement these latest changes and that really serve and have a good simulation experience is that requirements are added to play the MP especially in the simulation server, some of these requirements could be like a minimum of hours : for example 100 hours, this if we put it to think is not much, it is only 4 days and 4 hours, this can be done by anyone in a short time, for example: taking into account that most of those who play ETS2MP and ATSMP seriously they are already older and they work, if for example they played 20 hours each weekend in 1 month and 1 week they could enter to play the multiplayer, even if they did not play 20 HOURS! in 2 days, they could play only 10 hours and it would take twice as long to gain access to the MP, with this measure we could almost eliminate the trolls players who only dedicate themselves to damaging the experience of those who are really going to play, I do not think that someone is going to play 100 hours (example) just to enter a few hours to multiplayer just to bother, this measure would only be applicable to the simulation servers since they are the most serious and for those who would be preparing to play well in the multiplayer have at least access to the arcade to get an idea of how to play multiplayer, and this time at the same time serve as "training" so that when they enter the MP are better players and do not disturb so much to the simulation servers. I hope that this suggestion will serve the whole community and take it into account to improve each day more this fabulous game that we love so much. ____________ Dewinn12
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