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Found 11 results

  1. I use i7 7700k gtx 1080ti 16gb 3000mhz 256 ssd everything was running normally at 60 fps until I found traffic jams (which were normal) in every city, instantly my Fps dropped to 25-45 fps on the first camera and 35-50 fps on the second camera. my CPU and GPU movement graphs are very normal even they don't scream but my FPS has decreased very much. is there a solution for this problem? My PC feels useless with very strange Graphics movement look at my CPU usage & GPU usage graph below, it doesn't even touch 50%. but actually i only got 30Fps now. Please help me. .
  2. Hello, I have a problem today. It is when I am driving the Skoda Superb in ETS2, the sounds randomly cut off and come back on at random. If I use a truck, sometimes the horn does not work. Can ya'll help me?
  3. Hi ! For first my English is not perfect, and I'm very sorry about that. On July 6, 2020 I was banned for 2 weeks (July 28, 2020). I still wanted to play, so I go to the SOLO. I was on update 1.38 and added mods to my game. Today that I am no longer banned, I went to go to the MP but the game warned me to upgrade my version to 1.37. No problem, I'm doing it. When arriving on the game, the game warns me that my saves are not compatible. While I had to disable my mods. Going back to version 1.38 and still without mod. The game is working fine and my saves working... I will have to wait for the TruckersMP developers to port to version 1.38 to be able to use my backups online? Or are my backups lost forever? Thank you for anwers, You are the best !! [French part] Bonjour, Le 6 Juillet 2020 j'ai était banni pendant 2 semaines (28 Juillet 2020). Je voulais quand même jouer, donc je suis aller en SOLO. J'étais sous la mise à jour 1.38 et j'ai ajouté des mods à mon jeu. Aujourd'hui que je ne suis plus banni, je suis aller sur le MP mais le jeu me dit de passer ma version en 1.37. Pas de problème, je le fais dessuite. En arrivant sur le jeu, le jeu me prévient que mes sauvegardes ne sont pas compatible. Alors que j'avais désactiver mes mods. En passant à nouveau a la version 1.38 et toujours sans mod. Le jeu marche très bien avec mes sauvegardes qui marchent... Je vais devoir attendre que les développeurs de TruckersMP fassent le portage vers la version 1.38 pour pouvoir utilisé mes sauvegardes en ligne ? Ou mes sauvegardes sont perdu à tout jamais ? Merci pour les réponses, Vous êtes les meilleurs !!
  4. Guest

    Help me

    Can someone help me? I don´t know how to activate my TruckersMP Profile.
  5. Can somewone tell me how can i unassociated my steam account whit Trickers MP
  6. easyhardCZ


    Hello, im new in game.. so where i can buy cars?
  7. this is what happens when i try to launch the the launcher .......i have dump the game and reinstalled the launcher 3 times today and this (see pic below) is what it does to me everytime.......any ideas or help would be great
  8. im having a problem I have done 7 hours of game play so I'm good but I'm trying to get online now but then I when to go to truckmp I scan for the game I went to downloads and I got to the files and I open it up and I click brower and this guy said its suppost to have a game thing on the bottom but my didn't and it keeps saying find the game directory heres my phone number 9042587409 I'm florida names richard
  9. hi guys im playing the last 10 days very cool and nice in ets2 multyplayer but after 1 job that i finished no jobs exist now i have my own truck so i make my own jobs i go to companys but now everywhere no jobs why please help anyone ??
  10. I went to download the new version of multiplayer and when its all said and done. I click EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 MULTIPLAYER and it says: ''The program can't start because steam_api.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." BUT I HAVE STEAM! I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. For some days ago i downloaded ets2mp again after taking a break for like 2 months. And then i had to downgrade my ets2 on steam wich i knew how to do. I got in to properties and then beates. and i downgraded to [temporary_1_15_01]. But it would not work i tried to reinstall ets2 and ets2mp several times but ot would not work. I tried to finde fixes on youtube and this forum but sill havent found a fix. Hope someone can help!!!
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