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Found 2 results

  1. 灵宇团队友谊联运 ================================================== =================== 2021年2月27日,中国灵宇团队将举办大型联合运输活动,我们希望申请活动服务器并获得批准。我的团队聚集了约20个团队和约500人参加了我的活动。大量的人,为了减少对我活动的干扰和事故,希望申请活动服务器 ================================================== =================== 活动信息: 路线: 路线A:起点:谢菲尔德,终点:多佛[759km] 路线B:起点:格里姆斯比,终点:多佛[600km] DLC:否 服务器容量:500 routeA:路线照片 ================================================== =================== 活动策划:开始:2021.2.27 [2021年2月27日](UTC 10:00) 结束:2021.2.27 [2021年2月27日](UTC 18:00) 承办单位:中国凌宇 团队 服务器:凌宇团队友谊联运 ================================================== =================== 禁止汽车(赛事工作人员除外)。 没有信标(只有活动人员可以使用信标) 赛事工作人员可以在安全的前提下,在正确的道路上超越参与者。按照以下规则。 赶超车队的赛事工作人员一次最多只能有2名成员参加。 在只有中央预留障碍物的道路上,赛事工作人员只能以错误的方式行驶。按照上面的规则。 听活动人员的车队指示。 禁止自由漫游。 活动人员可以封锁路口/交叉路口,以执行车队管制职责。 所有其他TruckersMP规则均适用。 ================================================== ===================
  2. Lutu Team Friendship Joint Transportation ================================================== =================== On February 27, 2021, China LingYu team will hold a large-scale combined transportation event, we hope to apply for the event server and get the approval.My team gathered about 20 teams and about 500 people to participate in my activity.Due to the large number of people, in order to reduce the interference and accidents to my activities, I hope to apply for an activity server ================================================== =================== Event information: Route: Sheffieldr-Dover of Calais [759km] DLC: No Server capacity: 800 route: ================================================== =================== Event planning: Start: 2021.2.27 [February 27, 2021] (UTC 10:00) End: 2021.2.27 [February 27, 2021] (UTC 18:00) Organizer: CHN Lutu Team Server: Lutu Team Friendship Joint Transportation ================================================== =================== Cars are prohibited (except for Event Staff). No beacons (only Event Staff can use beacons) Event Staff are allowed to overtake participants on the correct side of the road providing this is completed in a safe manner. In accordance with the rule below. Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier ONLY. In accordance with the rule above. Listen to the convoy instructions of the Event Staff. Free-roaming is prohibited. Event staff can block junctions/intersections for Convoy Control duties. All other TruckersMP rules apply. ================================================== ===================
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