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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, ich warte seit dem 1.38 Update auf die MP-Version. Heute wollte ich mich also anmelden. Habe das alles getan, und erfülle auch alle Voraussetzungen. Ich habe also den Launcher installiert und wollte loslegen. Ich habe die Regeln akzeptiert, aber egal auf welcher Möglichkeit (Custom), (Multiplayers only), (Full installation) erkennt er den Pfad von ATS und ETS nicht. Egal was ich tue, hab es schon mehrmals probiert usw... Es kommt immer und bei beiden Spielen diese Fehlermeldung. Was kann ich da tun??? ??? Ich bin jetzt auch genervt, weil ich über 1,5 Monate auf das Update gewartet habe, mich drauf gefreut habe und jetzt geht es nicht. Danke an das Team von TruckersMp, bin jetzt schon ein großer Fan. Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe. Grüße Jannes
  2. Hi all, Pardon for this newbie question. I am a returning player of ETS2 and I am planning to play TruckersMP however I don't seem to find the DLC North in STEAM. I appreciate your help for a link or anything that can lead me to the right direction. Thanks in advance and stay safe everyone!
  3. I already have ETS2 multiplayer so do i have to re-install the whole launcher?
  4. Hello ! I would like to install TruckersMP Launcher but at the part "Please select your Euro Truck Simulator 2 directory" I don't understand I did this but the message "You must select valid ETS2 Path !" pop up Where can I found this Path ? So so so so for the very bad English Thanks !
  5. Hi guys, my name is Arnold and I have a problem. I want to play with my friend but it doesn't work . I have ETS2 installed on my hard drive and the launcher on the same disk as well (version 1004), but after the installation (with the correct directory of my ETS2 chosen), the launcher tries to start but nothing appears. I don't know what to do. The only thing I see is a loading circle next to my cursor for like half a second, but that's it. I have the latest version of ETS2 installed, game files are verified, latest steam version installed. If you have suggestions or a solution, feel free to respond please.
  6. GUYS I NEED HELP!! when i try to install TruckerMP on Ubuntu using "Wine" (is possible) i have the following error:: what i need to do?? pls i wanna play it today!
  7. Hello, when I'm installing TruckersMP, I select ETS2, chose the ETS2 directory, but then it says "You must select valid Euro Truck Simulator 2 Path!" Screenshots: Please help
  8. Hey guys. Where i can download a x86 version of ETS2 MP? I can? I have Windows 7, 32-bit.
  9. Hy, I have one question. How to fix error in the picture below? I try to reinstalling but without effect. Thanks for answers!
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