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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, Just noticed we now have a log of our past deliveries on our TMP Profile. Might have been around for a few weeks but only noticed it today and didn't see a thread about it yet (maybe I missed it as well ) Looks pretty neat! Except for TMP to make some interesting stats and players comparing their deliveries speeds/times, I'm not 100% sure of the application for it. But seems like a very nice foundation for more fancy features. What do you all think of it?
  2. Suggestion Name: EU 1 Realism Server - Collision Zone Delivery/Pick Up - Full Scale Testing Suggestion Description: Resurrect collision zones within delivery depots again. The game was much more fun and alive when people couldn't just spam 10 trucks into the same delivery point and run through each other. In the first weeks of MP, people had to show respect to other drivers and let people drop off their cargo one by one. It was a cool experience to wait for your turn and slowly but surely edge your way towards the drop off/pick up zones (if you chose or arrived at a crowded one). With no collision zones within the delivery depots and drop-off points, it is just a mess and a real game breaker when people just reverse through each other and block the view for other drivers. Nobody gives a shit anymore and barely anyone show the courtesy to let others park before they do.. Give it another go, and let's see how it works this time around. Any example images: Not needed. Why should it be added?: Now that it's so easy to report other players, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to filter out trolls and other people just blocking deliveries for the heck of it. Most seasoned players know the easy workarounds like loading autosaves and what not, so what's the big deal anyway? It will bring back the fun and cooperation around terminals, along with increasing the tactical aspects of choosing good places to pick-up and deliver goods in MP. Yes, at first it will probably be a utter mess, but after a week or two people will start to avoid the most crowded areas like the plague if they don't like it and the situation will slowly stabilize and balance itself out over time. If not on EU 2, it would be great to see this being tried out again in full scale on the EU 1 server, which seems to be going for a more realism concept already with its' enabled speed limiter. Maybe it will increase that server's popularity too. I for one, would choose collision zone parking/pick up any day over the mess that is experienced at every slightly crowded delivery point today...
  3. is there some way of getting the same deliveries as a friend going to the same place becouse trying to play with a friend and not getting the same deliveries is kind of a joke. more fun driving together. Thanks if anyone can help.
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