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Found 3 results

  1. For example: Everybody are mad to blockers. Patron Master Trucker should be have the oppurtunity to change this too. Suggestion Name: Kicking Players as Patron Master Trucker Suggestion Description: Patron Master Trucker should able to kick players (especially blockers, e.g. laggy player) via /kick (Name) command or anything similiar, but must have an evidence for their action ( screenshot/ clip / video ). Also the Master Patrons can only kick one Player each 24 h, this command shouldn't be abused. If any "Patron Master Trucker" abuses this command therefor he/she must bear the consequences for the abusing (thats your buisiness). Any example images: Unfortunately None Why should it be added?: In many Opinions: If we understood it correctly, Staff Members are lack of reaction time (especially because of C-D Route, Calais, Duisburg, Alpin Route, Innsbruck & Klagenfurth) till they finally reacting on our own reports Yours SourCrowd
  2. English: Hello, Today, I earned enough money to buy my first bi-train trailer. So I have a question: Are some trailers better than others? Whitch is the whorthest ? ... I am Lvl 30 (max everywhere exept in eco-driving) Ty for your answers. Francais: Bonjour, comme je suis francais, je préfererais avoir des réponses francaises mais des réponses anglaises me vont tres bien aussi. Je m'explique: j'en arrive au moment dans le jeu où j'achette ma premiere double remorque et j'aimerais savoir si il y a une différence entre 2 remorques (par exemple bachée et réfrigérées (mais toutes les remorques en général)) au niveau de la rentabilitée et (Si oui) laquel serais la meuilleur ? Sachant que je suis lvl 30 (maxée partout sauf dans l'éco conduite). Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses
  3. Hi there, I'm still new to the game, new to the multiplayer mod and kinda new to any modding in general for that matter. I've had read through this forum and other searches but still don't quite understand. The main question I have on my mind is: What exactly is an in game company for multiplayer and what purpose do they serve? From the information I've gathered it sounds like it's a form of serious roleplay that adds a lot more work through the use of third party sites and mods. Also some seem to add some form of benefit like I noticed unique skins being a common thing, are all benefits purely cosmetic? I've never really been much of a roleplayer and interaction is definitely not my forte but I'm curious about this sort of thing after seeing a groups convoy in game which actually looked kinda impressive and fun. Am I also correct in guessing that the wording above a players truck goes something along the lines of: Country Flag, Company or Group name, Their Username and then Their unique numerical ID to the server? Cheers for your time.
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