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  1. Hello truckers! I found an idea to improve the TruckersMp server and having a RolePlay side has it all! Let's start ... Description of suggestion: My suggestion basically allows the boss of each company to check the status of employees and their journey. I basically summarize a system that allows to see the information of the employees such as: Trip, Time of departure, Time of arrival, Companies, Amount won, etc ... This will give a fairly RP side to the game and allow to pay the employees thanks to the money that employees have earned ie if the mission is 1000 € low they will earn 750 € because 15% will be for the boss and the boss will decide to make a transfer to the employee in question roughly one system like http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/ but no longer develop Why should it be added ?: Because it will give a realistic side to the game by forcing people to make cards for their bosses to earn money is clearly better and RP and fun! Drooxy
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