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  1. So after SCS teasing us with those few pics from the new DLC i wanted more, so i made this tiny little add on witch has all the new prefab and garages that will be in the new DLC, i have left out the truck show rooms because well they look fantastic So this little mod can be use on the profile you are currently using or you could simply make a new on and set the starting city to "Swansea" you can see what it adds below I made this little mod so you guys and girls could have a first hand look if you really cant wait for the DLC like me and after having a drive around it i can not wait!!, SCS have delivered like always. The mod isn't anything special, simply a road with the companies set up on it. Enjoy Link to Mod--> http://goo.gl/YOOGlR The Prefab isn't "stolen" or "hacked" it came in the files with the 1.13 and 1.14 update. Hence you will need to have been updated to 1.14 to use this mod
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