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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys, since i started building my own company with 4 drivers employed, they all did about 31 jobs now they stopped delivering. Everytime i log in, after the game gets the server time, my drivers claim to need 100+ hours to get to their destination. I tried economy resets etc. but without luck. Should i just fire them and sell the trucks? Seems like a major bug to me, because it worked fine the last 2 weeks, then after the last update i played hours and hours without any of my drivers arriving somewhere... THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!! Even without employees ist a great game and fun to play every day! Greetings from Germany, Philipp
  2. Hallo...a have a prroblem. I wanted to try ETS MP... but I go back to my SG and my driver have been in work 3000+ hours. Yes, I know, ETS MP is beta and have bugs, I had to create another profile. What I need...need any program to open drivers config in documents and overwrite it to 2h back. Or is there any other way to fix this ?
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