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Veteran Driver III
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About otis_14

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  1. Witam! Kawał dobrej roboty chłopie, ale mam pytanie xD Czy te zlecenia automatycznie będą się synchronizować i resetować? Czy trzeba na nowo po upłynionym czasie podmieniać pliki? Proszę o szybką odpowiedź. Z góry dzięki XD
  2. Hi. I updated my OS to Win 10 and it doesn't work. I wil wait for next Mp version.
  3. WGR_Media For me it was the same . Indeed , the game starts but after a while and I wanted to do something about it. Anyway thanks for help
  4. Is there any way do that with turned on AntiVirus? I don't want to do that.
  5. Hello. I have a problem with the ETS 2 mp. Now, when I turn it on there is a normal window with a choice if I want to turn ets 2 mp or with DirectX, etc .. Normally, I note that I want to turn ets 2 mp, waiting, and suddenly there is error "no response". I note that restart my computer and uninstall and reinstall multiplayer did not help. Please help *edit Yesterday it was working normal
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