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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by VaingloriousZé

  1. ^^^ The problem is that those red lights (the ones at the roadworks) are not synchronized. Meaning that you can see a green light and the player coming on the other side is seeing a green light too. Same happens with the railways crossings, you can be stopped at a red light and see someone on the other side just go through the barriers and the train, because in his game there are no barriers or trains.


    Oh. They're not? That explains a lot. In that case, I'm sure that will be taken care of in the future.

    Thank you for "correcting me" with your answer.

  2. Today in the same jouney I would be "rekt" by 2 dudes who doesn't know what a red light means. The troll numbers are increasing and some days they can ruin the experience.

    The worst was in a section of road works, where only one lane is usable. It had that small traffic light and a guy was slowing down at the other end (it was turning red for him). Then, it turned green for me and I moved on. By the time I started moving, he started too, making me go to the dirt to avoid the collision. I know this is a game, but if people can get banned to drive like 10 seconds in the wrong lane by mistake after leaving the UK with no truck in front of him until he found a section to move to the correct lane, I think this type of offenses should result in a bigger penalty too.

    I don't know if it's possible to do, but it should be a good thing to be implemented.


    +1 for me.


    (Sorry if my english is not clear enough. Tried my best.)

  3. We need this and the reasons are quite understandable. This, or being teleported to the nearest ncz.

    For example, today, in my journey to the train near Dover, like 2km till the ncz in the train, a guy just spawned like 2 meters in front of me, giving me an insta-30% damage because it was impossible to avoid it in time, since I was running 70km/h. And I bet he still reported me for ramming before teleporting.

    Or at least it should be nice to see people being punished for leaving the game in the middle of the road. Their act of trolling just ruin this sometimes.

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