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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by Beefy32659_YT

  1. As long as it doesn't void the rule below it should be fine, otherwise and anyway I advise against it.


    Excessive Save Editing

    Modifying your vehicle to include car parts on your truck or truck parts on your car. This includes paintjobs. This also includes adding too many beacons and horns to your truck and also includes any large horns or beacons on your bullbar or front bar.

  2. Suggestion Description: Add a like system like YouTube, enough said... :P 

    Any example images:  TWg5G2y.png

    Why should it be added?: People could leave their opinion on a particular post and how many combined view its had over all. This could also help your reputation.

    - Beefy


    P.S: I know detail is not the best when I came to post this but it gives you enough detail to add something and also don't hate me for using a similar system to youtube in the image above.

  3. Suggest this to SCS Software since this would have to be a singleplayer feature too so SCS is your best hope. Maybe in France DLC.

    Also follow the format: 

    Suggestion Name
    Suggestion Description:

    Any example images

    Why should it be added?:

  4. Suggestion Description: Release a tweaked logo whenever a major event comes up such as Easter, Summer, Halloween, Christmas and New Year etc. (E.g colours and wheels could be pumpkins for Halloween)

    Any example images: I tried to photoshop some but it would not behave and so I gave up since I've been ill again and it's been really busy lately.

    Why should it be added?: It would make the website look cool for events like Christmas, Halloween or Easter (Summer too)!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hi @CapAwsome, I don't think you understand how expensive at least five servers are to run with 2,500 slots for the public for all to use. I'd be for this but it's been rejected before since it would be the next big troll magnet and that's what nobody wants, seriously nobody wants trolls under the bridge at Europoort. :P


    I'm sure most people would like this but the cons just outweigh the pros in this situation. Keep smiling though :)!


    - Beefy :) 

  6. Hello, TruckersMP community!


    Suggestion Name: Expand The Recruitment List To Show All Ranks
    Suggestion Description: I've had a thought pop into my head, the "Recruitment"  top hasn't got all ranks listed and the developers might hire, leaders or community etc.

    Why should it be added?: It'll help show what ranks are recruiting.


    Hope you like my thought. Looking forward to hearing your responses.

    - Beefy :) 

  7. Hi, I've had similar issues recently and the main issue is AV (Antivirus).

    You could also try:

    1. Restart your router (make sure you wait ten seconds before restarting),
    2. Restart your computer
    3. (Temporarily) Disable Windows default AV (Antivirus),
    4. (Temporarily) Disable 3rd Party AV (Antivirus)'s,
    5. Uninstall ETS2, ATS & TruckersMP, (Backup ETS2 & ATS files)
    6. Reinstall ETS2, ATS & TruckersMP,
    7. Flush DNS Servers,
    8. Have fun!

    Hopefully, this works, if not PM me as soon as possible.

    - Beefy :) 

  8. Hi again!

    Suggestion Name: Minimum Ping!
    Suggestion Description: Introduction of a minimum ping to counter act the maximum ping. 

    Any example images: Sadly Not. :(

    Why should it be added?: I have a passion for TruckersMP and I believe for a better game experience for all we should introduce a minimum ping so that people with appalling internet connections that shouldn't really be playing WiFi intensive games anyway! I do take in to account that TruckersMP is a privalige for all and that this may end up becoming rejected because of thag very reason, but I'm surely making a basic valid point to show off for dispute. 

    Thanks for your time again!

    - Beefy

  9. Hi all! Just me @Beefy32659_YT!

    Suggestion Name: Complement and Complaint Sections on tbe Fourm!

    Suggestion Description: I believe it should be added to enable players to complain and award other people in there own designated spot on tbe Fourm to keep it tidy and remove spam comments (see "Why should it be added section" for more). 

    Any example images: Not at the moment. maybe in a few days. 

    Why should it be added?: It would give the community the opportunity to complain and complement others for good or bad behaviour. I'd also love it vecause I hate logging on to the Fourm and seeing "200 notifications" and 178 of them are comments like "report admin" or "add modded trucks" (maybe not so much thr second example but its just an idea).


    Thanks for your time!

    - Beefy

  10. Hi @[NL/ENG] Ole , I don't think you're able to have stretch screens until you've got at least three monitors. I tried with two and it doesn't really work. Now that I have three I may end up setting stretch screen up properly. Sorry that it's not really a solution, but I hope it helps your situation.

    - @Beefy32659_YT

  11. +1 I'm all for the season mods all year round. They should also adopt time zones. e.g. Britan going from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (Last Sunday in October) to British Summer Time (BST) (Last Sunday in March) and back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (Last Sunday in October). I'd also like to see different time zones. e.g. Mainland Europe being one hour ahead of British time. :) I'd be so happy if they added all of these features. :rolleyes:

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