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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. ZuLynx's post in Est-ce Autorisé ? was marked as the answer   
    Oui, les modifications de remorques sont autorisés, MAIS ATTENTION ! Si tu bloque le passage des joueurs et/ou que tu n'arrive pas à contrôler ton chargement, tu aura de très grandes chances d'être banni du serveur.
  2. ZuLynx's post in how do i transfer non steam cloud profiles to steam cloud profiles was marked as the answer   
    Just click on "Modify" on the profil select, and there is an option to save it in the steam cloud:

  3. ZuLynx's post in Problème lors de l'upload de photos was marked as the answer   
    Bien sur, Moi j'utilise NoelShark, il suffit d'envoyer ton image, tu copie "L'URL" et tu la colle dans ton post
  4. ZuLynx's post in Help With Logitech g20 was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jacrispy,
    Did yo have installed the Logitech Gaming Software ? http://support.logitech.com/en_us/software/lgs
  5. ZuLynx's post in MP Mods suggestions required was marked as the answer   
    All mods who are not initialy in the game are not supported on Multiplayer, and can't be used. But mods "Multiplayer compatible" who use game assets parts can be used. see this thread for more informations:
  6. ZuLynx's post in Problems with the latest update of ETS2 19/11/2016 was marked as the answer   
    Please follow this thread:
  7. ZuLynx's post in Profile picture change? was marked as the answer   
    For get a personal avatar in your ingame profile, create a World Of Trucks account and link it in your profile:
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